Sunday, July 26, 2009

No August Recess

What the fuck?! Health care reform is not completed, yet the Senators get to take an August recess?! Why? And why is Obama letting them off the hook with a "looks like it won't get done by August, ok. We just have to keep hounding them." Paraphrasing here, but the general idea. Bullshit!!! The Republicans have already proven that this isn't about healthcare, this is about bringing down's back to the old David and Goliath BS that the Republicans and the Democrats go back to playing...sometimes they become switches in the game and one is the top and one is the bottom, but ultimatly it is a game to them...some sort of fucked up S/M scene where the American people are not consenting.

And you gotta love that fucker Jim DeMint...I like to call him Cream DeMint...the bastard. He has made it very clear that this is about "breaking" Obama. I am glad that some shit lick in South Carolina can run his mouth and effect the healthcare of the entire nation. Mr., Sir, have a form of National Healthcare...the government pays for your healthcare. You have access to some of the best doctors in the country and I am quite sure your Senator ass is not sitting in some ER waiting to be seen for a chronic condition because you can't afford a primary care physician and have to utilize ER as your doc. Not to mention that you put off any preventative care or go without meds because you can't afford them. That is not your reality, but it is the reality for 46 million Americans that have no healthcare. But that's not your problem is it? Nope. And don't feed us that BS that it is the unemployed that don't have healthcare...8 out of 10 without healthcare are working class people and 80% of those are American citizens.

I am so sick of the "socialized medicine" rhetoric I could vomit. I work in healthcare...I see the fear in people's eyes every fucking day when they look at their discharge sheets and see all the prescriptions that they should have filled. I see them calculating in their head what they can and can't ask their families to sacrifice for their meds, then I see them back again because they tried to go without or not use them as ordered to try to stretch them out. People die because of this or end up hospitalized without insurance with zero chance of being able to pay the astronomical bill that is created.

The truth is we need healthcare reform right now. Fuck the insurance companies, fuck the politicians who reside in the insurance companies pockets. This is about the citizens of the United States. We need to let our politicians know they work for us...we need to take to the streets like the people did in Iran. Those people went out into the streets knowing full well their very lives were at stake, many of them not knowing where their next meal would come from, they are under severe oppression and still they mustered the courage to take it to the streets and we can't even do that from our positions of relative comfort?! What does that say about us as a people. We have the history to do this...we have the blood of the revolutionaries running through out veins. We have the history of fleeing from oppressive countries to seek freedoms here. Some of us have the history of slavery and rising above it in our family trees. We can not let our government water down our blood. We must fight like we have fought for all of our other rights and take our place as the leaders of this democracy, because the rights of the people should supercede the government!!!

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